Saturday, September 3, 2011

We Can Do Hard Things

Now that I seem to be recooped enough to be back on a regular schedule, I've been catching up on some of the blogs I like to follow.

One of those blogs is called Momastery by Glennon, a writer and "mother of three and wife to one" (as she describes herself). It is a fabulous blog that is open, honest and sincere. Her writing has a softness to it, and it oozes love. Love for her family, her friends, her readers, people she doesn't even know and even life. Its those qualities that draw me to it. While reading one of her posts that was written a few days ago, I had an "Ah Ha! Moment" (as Oprah liked to call them).

The post titled, Dear Chase (click hear to read it in its entirety), is a letter to her son as he starts the third grade.  In the letter she is trying to teach him about compassion. God's compassion and how we can and should show it to others.

I will quote the "Ah Ha!" part here:

"Compassion might lead you to tell a teaser to stop it and then ask the teased kid to play. You might invite a left-out kid to sit next to you at lunch. You might choose a kid for your team first who usually gets chosen last. These things will be hard to do, but you can do hard things."

These things will be hard to do, but you can do hard things.  Wow! It's like a light bulb went off in my head, and not necessarily just about compassion, but about everything.  If something is Right, then it may be hard, but we still have the strength to do the right thing. We Can Do Hard. Wow, what a revelation for me! God has given us this gift. This ability. And we all should use it everyday!

I've noticed that she (Glennon) uses this phrase alot in some of her posts and even has a sign hanging up in her house with the phrase on it. It's like a mantra.  And a dang good one, if I may say so. 

This one sentence puts into words an explanation to the group of comments/questions that irks me to no end. (partially because I haven't been able to think of an answer that doesn't personally degrade the commentor)  That question is the often off-hand remark  from others in regard to the relationship that I maintain with my ex, his wife and thier other two children.  "Your a d***m good woman" or "Your a better woman than I am, because I couldn't do it." or "How on earth do you do that?"

What I've always WANTED to say but have refrained from is, "Really? You COULDN'T do it? Or is it more like you WOULDN'T do it? Come on, get over yourself. If you loved your child/children enough you could. It's only matter of putting your children first and above your own selfish desire to be a B****! So don't look down your nose like I"M the one in the wrong, because you are! (snap, snap)"

Unfortunately, that response would be a very quick way to alienate people. People who probably only mean to give me a pat on the back to acknowledge my choice, and not the smack on the nose that I take it to be.

But Now! ........... BUT NOW!! I have a better answer.  One that I CAN say!............

"Often times the things that are RIGHT are hard to do. But, with God, I Can Do Hard Things." 

And you know what?  I feel great about that answer. It sums it up pretty well.  Don't you think?

I also find that motto to be very inspiring for future decisions. 

Maybe I need a sign in my house, too.

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