Friday, September 9, 2011

Busy, Busy Weekend Planned

Sleepover/1st Soccer Game/ Fall Decorations/ 2 Weddings (but thankfully no funerals)

I always begin to get excited about outdoor decorating at this time of the year. I suppose it's because all of summer's colorfully vibrant glory is beginning to fade, and I yearn for a little spice in the curb appeal.

This year I have been even more enthusiastic. I get to decorate my Mom's house instead of mine!  Her house is much bigger/nicer and already has a significant amount of curb appeal.  So I'm super pumped!

I patiently waited for Labor Day to pass (because fall decor before labor day is like wearing white after).  Of course, NOW the stupid weather certainly isn't cooperating.

Rain, Rain, RAIN!

And it's cold rain too, YUCK!

Anyway, I have all of my fall decorations waiting patiently on the porch. Just as soon as the rain lets up for an hour, I'll be all over it like maple syrup on hotcakes!

I carve Ty a Funkin each year and now we have a total of 6 for our display. I've already carved this year's addition and I can't wait to see them all arranged.

What?! You don't know what a funkin is?!   Its a faux pumpkin made from foam that you can carve or decorate.  The best part is that after all of that hard work, it doesn't rot in a week! They are a little pricey (anywhere from $10 to $30, depending on size); but I buy mine a year ahead of time when they are on sale. I can usually get them for about 40% off, so thats not too bad.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to do any decorating this evening even if it's not raining because Ty's little brother is staying all night.  (His little brother staying all night isn't unfortunate, only the no decorating part. Just thought I had better clarify.)

We are so excited, this will be Ty's first overnight guest and the first time Toby will stay all night with us.

Atleast we think he is staying all night. It's quite possible that there may be a middle-of-the-night child exchange. He IS only 3. Nonetheless, we're gonna give it an honest effort, hope for the best and be satisfied with however it turns out.

My only reservation/concern/worry, whatever you want to call it, is that Ty has his first Soccer game at 9:30 Saturday morning.  This means I get my first experience of getting TWO boys up, feed, washed, dressed and out the door on a schedule. I am certain that I will have a new found respect for Lilly after that. Or maybe just pity. Either way, I'll be walking in someone else's shoes when I don't do a great job walking in my on when it comes to meeting a schedule.

Then after the game and all little boys have been delivered to Lilly, I have a wedding and reception to go to.  Actually, I have two, but since I haven't figured how I can be in two places at once, I am just attending the one closest to home, which incidently has the guests from farthest away.

Hopefully sometime between Saturday evening and Sunday Evening, I will find time to decorate and sleep.

Wishing you all A Safe Happy Weekend!!

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