Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jesus Loves You Jack-O-Lantern

Thankfully my allergy medicine is kicking in a little bit.  My nose is still running like a sugar tree, but I am seriously dehydrated everywhere else, so I guess that's something. 

Anyway, during the short reprieve of my miserable existence that I got last night for about a half an hour, I finished the 'Jesus Loves You' Jack-O-Lantern that Ty and I wanted to make.  I sat up Friday Night and drew out the pattern (what?, what do you do on your free weekends?! that's crazy!) , but I hadn't had time or hadn't felt like carving the pumpkin since then.

I think it turned out fairly well.  Well enough anyway.

I think I may take it down to church to use on the Registration table for Trunk or Treat in October. 

Tip Junkie handmade projects
I linked up here!

AND I Linked up HERE!


  1. That is so impressive!

    We have a Fall Fest in our church each halloween (as an alternative) and this would be perfect!

    Here in N Ireland we have only had pumpkins in the last 10 years or so. Before that, and certainly when I was a child - we had turnips! Have you tried hollowing out a turnip with a metal spoon? It takes hours!!!! I could not believe how easy it was to do with a pumpkin when I finally got my hands on one!

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you. My son and I came up with several different ideas for a religious themed pumpkin, but this was my favorite.

    If you want to really skip out on the work and mess of carving, buy the foam pumkins. They make it a breeze!! AND they don't rot after two weeks. :)

  3. Love your pumpkin and for you to stop over and link up on my Halloween Link up! I'd appreciate it.

    Happy Halloween!!


  4. Kelli and Cindy Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    Also, Kelli I would love to check out your blog AND your Halloween Link Up! Thanks!

  5. WOW! You did an amazing job! Would really like for you to share this at my Motivational Monday link party.

    Hope to see you there!

  6. Thanks Clydia for stopping by AND for your invitation! I was so excited that I've already taken care of it!

    Stop back by again sometime!!

  7. This is amazing!! Here in the UK halloween isn't really a thing you do if you're Christian. There's a long occult history etc etc it's not so much of a kids holiday. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for keepuing the side up!!!

  8. Thank you! I know there are a lot of Christians here in the U.S. who feel the same way. That we shouldn't celebrate Halloween. But I believe that its another opportunity to witness and share God's love. An opportunity when it may be least expected.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Lynn, I just saw your post on Three Mango Seeds!! What a great pumpkin!! This is the most creative thing that I have seen in a long time! I am now your newest follower and I hope you will follow me, too! Many blessings to you!

  10. Thank you Shenita! I get even more excited for new followers than I do comments! YEAH! lol

    I'm glad you liked the pumpkin. I'm on my way to check out your blog right now!

    Thanks Again!!

  11. Wow! This takes me back to my childhood! I remember making Jack-O-Lanterns with hearts and Jesus Loves Me. Very cool! I am impressed.


  12. Thanks Heidi! I appreciate your kind words.
