Monday, October 3, 2011

My Debt Reduction Isn't Working (not fast enough, anyway)

Just for the record.

Bills Suck!

I hate paying bills. 

This is not a new revelation for me.

I hated bills even when I barely had any.

I hated them before my truck (which was paid for) decided to lay down and die and I had to buy a new vehicle and shell out money for a monthly payment.

I hated them before my auto insurance doubled because now that I owe for my car, I have to have full-coverage insurance.

I hated them before I had surgery. Now I have 12 different new medical bills to pay each month because they can't just send you one. Each and every single person who walks into your room and says hi, sends you a separate bill.   They have to.   Its federal law.    At least it must be, because it makes as much sense as everything else that comes out of Washington.

I also hated them before I realized that my deductible and total-out-of-pocket had TRIPLED since last year and my surgery is costing me THREE TIMES as much as I had expected. (Also 3x what it would have if I had had this surgery when I was supposed to. Guess that part is my fault thought.)

It's not like my paycheck is very grandiose to begin with, but once I pay bills, what's left is kind of like the crumbs left in your chair after you eat a wonderful, crumbly chocolate chip cookie.

Enough to remind you that you had one, but not enough to do anything with.

Ahhh, but this too shall pass.
My car should be paid for sometime next decade and if I sell enough organs maybe I can keep the hospital from declaring me in default and trying to re-install my uterus. 

Thank you for allowing me a moment to vent. It's greatly appreciated.

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