Sunday, July 24, 2011

Full Circle

Creed is definitely not a new band, and even their most recent album is at least a year old. 

However, this song is speaking to me at this time. Maybe its because I feel like I am coming full circle in my own life. I've reached the point where I'm ready to take those final steps in healing, forgiving and moving on. 

I don't believe it's about closure. I feel as though its leaving behind the old as you move forward to start another journey.

Well, that's what my crackhead thoughts are telling me today, anyway.
Who knows, tomorrow, they may tell me that I should go do donuts in my neighbors yard.

J/K~ I'm not that random yet.


  1. Have a great Monday! Just making a quick visit.

    Following from the Mom Mondays. I hope you visit/follow back.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed my blog. I'll be sure to visit yours. Have a great Monday as well!
