Tuesday, March 8, 2011

10 Reasons I Love My Small Town....

#10 The commute time is awesome. I reside smack dab between two small towns. The one where I work and the other where my son goes to school. It takes me approximately 35 minutes to travel from my house to town number one, drop my son, off, and then backtrack to town number two for work. (I lived and worked outside of D.C. for over two years, and that was hell.)

#9  I know the people.  I like knowing who is in contact with my son.  Out of the 24 children in his class, I know over half of the parents fairly well.  The class teacher's aide was a close friend to my Dad when they were in high school. The school secretary as well as one of the custodians, worked with my mother for years. The principal is an old family acquaintance. I have known his karate instructor since I was 14. His Sunday school teachers were my Sunday school teachers. etc, etc.

#8  It's cheaper. I order two x-large multi-topping pizzas for dinner one evening. Less than 16 Bucks. Delivered.

#7  People still help People.  I had a flat tire a few months ago and three different people stopped to see if I needed help. One was a woman.

#6  I can actually see the stars at night.

#5  Crime is negligible.   The cat burglar I thought I heard on the front porch was actually the horses loose again.

#4  I can be friendly.  Have you ever smiled at strangers while walking down a street in New England?  Bet you'll only do it once.

#3  You can't get lost.  With only 3 stoplights in town, directions are a cinch.

#2  Neighbors are Neighborly.   I'm sure my neighbors hate to see me coming.  They're thinking, "Geez, what can she possibly need now?" but for people who don't live near me and my ______ (fill in blank with dead battery, low tire, can I borrow your phone because I can't find mine) problems; they will gladly loan you a cup of sugar AND remember to ask how that pie turned out.

#1  Camp in my backyard.  If I really want to be away from it all I'll just drive 5 minutes to my uncle's farm.

All of these things. These beautiful, wonderful things. I will repeat over and over again. They will be my mantra.  As I drive 35 miles one way to restock Ty's school lunch supplies tonight. 

Small town grocery shopping sucks.

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