Thursday, February 17, 2011

Grammie Saves the Day!!!

Although today is Ty's 5th birthday, it is his first "school" birthday. We both have been so excited about it all year long. Every time one of his classmates had a birthday and brought in some sugary delicious treat for their classmates, he and I would brainstorm ideas of what we would do on his birthday. Of course, being a cupcake man, he always circled back to that idea.

Yet, somehow between supervising the construction of a valentine box and valentines for his classmates, ordering flowers for his teacher, etc. and making sure I have all of my half of Saturdays b-day party stuff taken care of, the school cupcake idea kinda got lost in the shuffle.

It resurfaced again last night around 10:00.  Quietly getting up to search the cabinets, I knew it was pointless. I don't cook real food let alone cupcakes. But when I opened the first cabinet and saw the icing, I thought I was in luck. Digging deeper, I found cupcake liners, sprinkles, and that gel icing you can write stuff with. Unfortunately my quest never unveiled any cake mix.  Time for Plan B.

I call my Mom. Being the super Grammie that she is, she immediately volunteered to get up early this morning and go to the store to get cake mix and make him some cupcakes. As great as that idea was, I felt that was a little much. After all it is She who would have to arrange to get them to school and play homeroom mom, while I was at work.

For anyone who does not nor has ever resided in a small town, this may not seem like such an major issue. So get those images of neatly packaged cupcakes sitting in your grocer's bakery out of your head. In order to have luxuries like that, the grocery store has to be big enough to have a bakery. Ours, obviously, does not.

So exactly how did she save the day?

None other than those neat little individual cups of ice cream. The ones that are so perfect for parties. She called Ty's teacher this morning to see when the best time would be to bring them. According to her, they were a smashing hit for all involved. Maybe he never realized he was missing the cupcakes. And if he did ... well.... his Mama Lilly (aka stepmom) has that base covered for him this evening. It all works out.

Thanks Mom! I owe ya one! (again)

Happy 5th Birthday Ty! You're the Best!

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