Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Reflection

Last night, as Ty and I were getting ready for bed, I had another OMG Mommy moment. We were standing side by side brushing our teeth.  I was in one of my usual head-in-the-clouds kind of daze when out of the corner of my eye something caught my attention.

I noticed that Ty was watching my reflection in the mirror as he was brushing his teeth.  Then I realized that he wasn't JUST watching my reflection, he was imitating it.  Stoke for stroke, brush for brush, he was doing everything I was. 

A feeling of pride and love came over me as I watched him so intently trying to get the tops and bottoms, fronts and backs and even his tongue just exactly like I was.  I couldn't believe that someone so gorgeous, so smart and so nearly perfect would want to be anything like me. I was so proud of myself for setting such a good example, and that he "caught" me when I was doing it perfectly.
Not that I ever brush my teeth imperfectly ;-)

Then suddenly it was like being drenched in a cold shower.

What else is he imitating?  How often is he watching me?
What examples am I setting when I don't realize he is watching?

Does he hear me when I mumble curse words under my breath?  Does he see how fast I can lose my temper? Does he realize how many times I skip church because I need to do something else?

To be perfectly honest, this scares me. Those thoughts have sent my mind into overdrive and I'm not really sure what the outcome of this thought process will be. 

Its amazing how you can 'know' something on the surface, but when it reaches a different, deeper level of your mind it takes on a whole new, much deeper meaning.

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